EU Releases New Regulations On The Use Of Bisphenol A

Recently, the EU Official Gazette issued the new Regulations (EU) 2018/213. According to the latest toxicological research data of BPA, the European Food Safety Authority conducted a comprehensive reassessment of BPA.

This regulation limits the use of bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact varnish and coatings, and it modifies the specific migration and technical specifications for BPA in EU Plastics Regulations (EU) 10/2011. The main contents are as follows:

1. It is stipulated that the amount of BPA in food contact varnish and coating that migrates into food should not exceed 0.05mg/kg.

2. BPA migration may not be detected for food contact varnish and coating for infants aged 0-3 years.

3. The revised BPA specific migration volume in revision (EU) 10/2011 was revised from 0.6 mg/kg to 0.05 mg/kg, and the BPA limit must not be used for the production of polycarbonate infant feeding bottles and drinking cups or water bottles for infants and young children.

4. The company shall provide a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) at all stages of production, processing and distribution. The declaration of conformity shall include the name and address of the business operator or importer, the date of declaration, and the product quality specification.

5. When the authorities of the member states request supportive documents to prove compliance, the company shall provide relevant test documents within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request.

The regulation will take effect on September 6, 2018. It is worth noting that the transitional clause in (EU) 2018/213 states that products put on the market prior to the entry into force of this revised regulation can continue to circulate until September 6, 2018, until inventory runs out.

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